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Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Contributions

Bartels AutoEngineer® Von Anwendern zur Verfügung gestellte Dateien

Bartels AutoEngineer®
User Contributions

The following table contains archives with user contributed libraries and User Language Programs for use with the Bartels AutoEngineer EDA software. Each download archive file contains a .txt file with usage hints, layer assignments, etc. The data is provided as is without any warranty. Unless mentioned otherwise, the copyright belongs to the author(s) listed in the "Origin / Author" column.

File / Download Archive Description Origin / Author Last Change
autolmac.zip User Language Program autolmac.ulc for automated generation of PQFP pad/padstack/part macros. Michael Sögtrop 24/11/2009
change_global.zip User Language Programs scm_global.ulc and lay_global.ulc for performing global changes in schematic sheets or layouts. Johannes Eha 24/11/2009
bae-avr.zip Schematic symbols and logical definitions for various Atmel AVR microcontrollers (see also BAE-Tutorial/AVR-Bauteilbibliothek for further information and installation notes in German). Jörg Wunsch 16/06/2010
steckverbinder.zip Layout part macros for connectors of various manufacturers. Ulrich Schäfer, system elektronik GmbH 15/09/2010

Please feel free to with your own contributions for this page.

Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Contributions
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Bartels AutoEngineer® Von Anwendern zur Verfügung gestellte Dateien - Deutsche Version Bartels AutoEngineer® User Contributions - English Version